36 ruby code examples
rails check if attribute is enum
ruby random number between two numbers
ruby select key value from hash
ruby select key value from hash
ruby begin rescue
rails begin rescue
reverse string ruby
hash to array ruby
# Defines a new sequence FactoryBot.define do sequence :email do |n| "person#{n}@example.com" end end generate :email # => "person1@example.com" generate :email # => "person2@example.com"
ruby convert string to number
multiline string ruby
ruby sort array objects
ruby switch statement
rails group by day
multiline comment ruby
searchkick similar search
searchkick highlight
searchkick reindex
ruby sort array strings
ruby sort array reverse order
ruby concatenate string and int
rails map with index
array to hash ruby
ruby object has method
loop string ruby
ruby multiline lambda
ruby hello world
ruby find in array
hash ruby to string
call method dynamically ruby
factorybot sequence
ruby loop step
open read file ruby
regexp ip-address ruby
rspec expect to raise validation error
searchkick min_score